#Rita Rudaini boleh dikategorikan sebagai seorang wanita yang tabah dan cekal apabila membesarkan dua orang anak lelaki tanpa bantuan sesiapa dan sering dihimpit kontroversi pada masa yang sama.....
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#Jika membicarakan soal Rita memperjuangkan hak anak-anaknya iaitu nafkah dari Aidil Zafuan ia pasti akan menerima pelbagai respon daripada masyarakat......
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#Ingin mencuba yang terbaik dalam memenuhi permintaan anak-anak dan membuat mereka merasa bahagia, Rita seringkali akan membawa mereka bercuti ke luar negara....
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#Ingin mencuba yang terbaik dalam memenuhi permintaan anak-anak dan membuat mereka merasa bahagia, Rita seringkali akan membawa mereka bercuti ke luar negara....
"Setiap tahun, kami akan bercuti di luar negara ketika musim cuti persekolahan. Selalunya, saya akan tanya anak-anak di mana lokasi pilihan mereka.
Tahun ini, mereka memberitahu, teringin nak main salji. Jadi, saya kena kerja lebih kuat lagi untuk membawa mereka ke sana."
#Walaubagaimanapun, ramai yang mengkritik Rita sengaja menuntut jumlah nafkah yang berlebihan daripada bekas suaminya termasuk perbelanjaan untuk percutian anak-anak yang bukan menjadi keperluan asas mereka. Dakwaan tersebut meliar apabila mahkamah memutuskan yang Rita dan anak anak bakal menerima RM3,000 sebulan dari bekas suami, Aidil Zafuan....
#Walaubagaimanapun, ramai yang mengkritik Rita sengaja menuntut jumlah nafkah yang berlebihan daripada bekas suaminya termasuk perbelanjaan untuk percutian anak-anak yang bukan menjadi keperluan asas mereka. Dakwaan tersebut meliar apabila mahkamah memutuskan yang Rita dan anak anak bakal menerima RM3,000 sebulan dari bekas suami, Aidil Zafuan....
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#Rita juga bakal memfailkan permohonan untuk perubahan nafkah anak dalam masa terdekat sejajar dengan keperluan termasuk perbelanjaan tahunan dan pendidikan serta percutian sehingga menimbulkan reaksi negatif di kalangan pengikut media sosial.....
#"Perbelanjaan percutian itu bermaksud, kalau saya bawa anak-anak keluar pergi pusat membeli-belah atau mana-mana lokasi di dalam negara, itu sudah dikira percutian. Tidak semestinya luar negara seperti Paris, London dan New York.....
#Takkan saya nak kurung anak dalam rumah macam anak ayam. Lagipun, saya bawa anak-anak ke luar negara sekalipun, pakai duit sendiri. Begitu juga dengan perbelanjaan pendidikan, untuk proses pendaftaran persekolahan sahaja mencecah hampir RM3,000."....
#Pada pendapat Bella, bukan mudah untuk menguruskan anak-anak pada zaman sekarang apatah lagi jika kita membesarkan mereka tanpa bantuan apatah lagi dengan dua orang anak lelaki tanpa bantuan sesiapa. Tidak salah untuk Aidil Zafuan memberikan nafkah yang berpatutan untuk perbelanjaan anak-anaknya......
Rita Rudaini can be categorized as a woman of courage and perseverance when raising two sons without anyone's help and often controversial squeezed at the same time
ika Rita talk about defending the rights of children living on the Aidil Zafuan it will definitely receive a variety of responses from people
Want to try our best to meet the demands of children and make them feel happy, Rita would often bring their overseas holidays
"Every year, we will be on holiday abroad during the school holidays. Often, I will ask the children in any location of their choice.
This year, they say, feel like playing snow. So, I have to work harder to take them there. "
However, many critics Rita deliberately demanding excessive amount of alimony from her ex-husband, including expenses for holiday kids not to their basic needs. The wild allegations when the court ruled that Rita and the children will receive RM3,000 a month from her ex-husband, Aidil Zafuan
Rita will also file an application for child support changes in the near future in line with requirements including annual expenses and education as well as holiday giving rise to negative reactions among social media followers
"Spending the holidays mean, if I take the kids out to go shopping or to any location in the country, they are considered a holiday. Not necessarily overseas, such as Paris, London and New York .....
I would not want children in the home parentheses kinds of chicks. After all, I take the children out of the country though, wear our own money. Similarly, spending on education, for school registration process reaching almost RM3,000. "
At Bella opinion, it is not easy to manage children at this age especially if we raise them without help, especially with two boys without anyone's help. Not one for Aidil Zafuan provide reasonable living expenses for their children
Rita Rudaini can be categorized as a woman of courage and perseverance when raising two sons without anyone's help and often controversial squeezed at the same time
ika Rita talk about defending the rights of children living on the Aidil Zafuan it will definitely receive a variety of responses from people
Want to try our best to meet the demands of children and make them feel happy, Rita would often bring their overseas holidays
"Every year, we will be on holiday abroad during the school holidays. Often, I will ask the children in any location of their choice.
This year, they say, feel like playing snow. So, I have to work harder to take them there. "
However, many critics Rita deliberately demanding excessive amount of alimony from her ex-husband, including expenses for holiday kids not to their basic needs. The wild allegations when the court ruled that Rita and the children will receive RM3,000 a month from her ex-husband, Aidil Zafuan
Rita will also file an application for child support changes in the near future in line with requirements including annual expenses and education as well as holiday giving rise to negative reactions among social media followers
"Spending the holidays mean, if I take the kids out to go shopping or to any location in the country, they are considered a holiday. Not necessarily overseas, such as Paris, London and New York .....
I would not want children in the home parentheses kinds of chicks. After all, I take the children out of the country though, wear our own money. Similarly, spending on education, for school registration process reaching almost RM3,000. "
At Bella opinion, it is not easy to manage children at this age especially if we raise them without help, especially with two boys without anyone's help. Not one for Aidil Zafuan provide reasonable living expenses for their children
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